The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Building Surveyors Conference 2022  "Sustainability in Built Asset and Countryside Conservation" Balancing conservation and economic development

  • Written by The Express

Themed “Sustainability in Built Asset and Countryside Conservation”, the Conference gathered around 250 professionals from various government departments, business leaders, experts, and scholars to deliberate on surveying industry prospects. Sr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Building Council attended the Conference as its Guest of Honour.

The public concern about conservation and sustainability has been increasing in recent years. Meanwhile, the HKSAR Government is also determined to promote ecological conservation and green development. This vision is reflected in the “Northern Metropolis Development Strategy” announced last year at the Policy Address and the expansion of the (then) Environmental Bureau to the Environment and Ecology Bureau.

This Conference gathered speakers from inside and outside the Building Surveying field to share their thoughts and insights on balancing conservation and socio-economic development. It inspired the surveyors to achieve the shared goal of making a better and greener society.

Sr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Building Council noted in his opening address, “The theme of the Building Surveyor Conference 2022 has highlighted timely on the important topic of “Sustainability in Built asset and Countryside Conservation”. To achieve carbon natural before 2050, I wish to advocate to surveyors to design and operate a people-orientated, sharing and ecologically balanced sustainable built environment, including through enhancing the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency in new buildings and retro-commissioning our existing buildings.”

The Conference comprised three sections, namely “Countryside Conservation”, “Green Building”, and “Sustainable Development”. Nine industry leaders, experts and scholars deliberated the industry trends of sustainable development and explored prospects of building surveying profession from all-rounded and professional perspectives. Speakers included

Ms YU Po-mei, Clarice, JP, Director of Buildings, Buildings Department, Hong Kong SAR Government deliberating on “Setting Building Standards for a Sustainable Built Environment”; Mr TSE Cheong-wo, Edward, JP, Director of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government on “Sustainable and Liveable City: Our Way Out”; Prof TANG Man-bun, Stephen, BBS, Head of Countryside Conservation Office, Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government on “Countryside Conservation & Urban-Rural Symbiosis”; Prof LAM Chiu-ying, SBS, Chairman, The Hong Kong Countryside Foundation on “Conservation and Restoration of Natural and Cultural Assets in Hong Kong”; Prof LAM Kin-che, SBS, JP, Adjunct Professor of Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on “Environmental Impact Assessment of Countryside Development”; Dr Eric WIKRAMANAYAKE, Director of Wildlife and Wetlands, WWF - Hong Kong on “Integrating The Green with The Gray: The Inner Deep Bay Wetland Landscape as A Nature-Based Solution for A Livable, Climate-Resilient Northern Metropolis”; and Mr HO Ho-yin, Patrick, Deputy Head of Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Limited on “Advancing to Net-Zero Built Asset – Swire Properties’ Strategy and Vision”, and more. It aroused active discussion among the attendees.

Sr CHEUNG Man-to, Arthur, Chairman, HKIS Building Surveying Division mentions, “Surveyors always need to keep pace with time and adopt new technologies and innovative approaches to design an urban built environment in harmony with sustainable development. We can contribute our professions throughout the entire project cycle to enhance the quality of new and existing buildings and strive to achieve sustainability for a better and greener Hong Kong.”

Sr KWOK Pak-wai, Jeffrey, Organising Committee Chairman of HKIS Building Surveyors Conference 2022 notes in his closing speech, “The Conference covered the latest initiatives for sustainable development in different aspects and the direction of the surveying industry in the future. We hope to deliver all-around skills and knowledge to enlighten our participants into achieving our common goal of unleashing Hong Kong’s potential in sustainable development.”

List of speakers (in order of speech delivery)

Prof TANG Man-bun, Stephen, BBS,
Head of Countryside Conservation Office, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR

Prof LAM Chiu-ying, SBS,
Chairman, The Hong Kong Countryside Foundation

Prof LAM Kin-che, SBS, JP,
Adjunct Professor of Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Ms YU Po-mei, Clarice, JP,
Director of Buildings, Buildings Department, HKSAR

Mr TSE Cheong-wo, Edward, JP,
Director of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department, HKSAR

Ir LEUNG Chi-fung,
Director – Operations, Business Environment Council Limited

Director of Wildlife and Wetlands, WWF - Hong Kong

Mr HO Ho-yin, Patrick,
Deputy Head of Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Limited

Ir Dr CHAN Wing-hong, Cary, JP,
Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council

List of speakers and topics is downloadable here.
Conference Booklet is downloadable here.
High-resolution event photos are downloadable here.

Photo Captions:

001 Sr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman, Hong Kong Green Building Council (3rd from Left); Sr CHEUNG Man-to, Arthur, Chairman, HKIS Building Surveying Division (2nd from Right); Sr CHIU Kam-kuen, President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (3rd from Right) and HKIS Office Bearers gathered at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Building Surveyors Conference 2022.
002 Sr Cheung Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman, Hong Kong Green Building Council attended the Conference as the Guest of Honour.
003 Sr CHEUNG Man-to, Arthur, Chairman, HKIS Building Surveying Division delivered the opening speech.
004 The Conference is conducted physically this year, receiving enthusiastic participation.

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About the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Established in 1984, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) is the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinance in Hong Kong. As of 14 October 2022, the number of members reached 10,780, of which 7,616 were corporate members, 62 were associate members and 3,102 were probationers and students. HKIS work includes setting standards for professional services and performance, establishing codes of ethics, determining requirements for admission as professional surveyors, and encouraging members to upgrade skills through continuing professional development.

The Institute has an important consultative role in government policy making and on issues affecting the profession. We have advised the government on issues such as building safety and unauthorized building works, problems of property management, town planning and development strategies, construction quality and housing problems. We have also issued guidance notes on floor area measurement, real estates valuation and land boundary survey, etc.

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About Building Surveying Division

Established in 1985, Building Surveying Division (BSD) is one of six divisions of the HKIS. The total number of professional building surveyors as at Oct 2022 has increased to 1,595 from 119 since the establishment. In the past 36 years, the Division organized many conferences and visits, and issued a number of publications to promote the service and image of building surveying profession.

Professional building surveyors are qualified by professional assessments with prescribed practical training. We uphold the stringent professional standards of HKIS, which require a high level of service and efficiency as well as compliance with a strict code of professional conduct.