Kotex celebrates International Day of the Girl Child with Gen Z teen girls

  • Written by The Express

Kotex, a feminine care brand of Kimberly-Clark, is in line with the core value of IDGC, breaking period stigma within society and supporting unrestricted girlhood. To boost menstruation education among teenage girls, Kotex has been launching period education program in schools to promote positive perception towards menstruation. Breaking period stigma and gender stereotype within society to encourage girls to embrace their uniqueness and experience girlhood on their own terms.


It is common for girls to feel worried during their first period. Nowadays, menstruation is still an embarrassing topic within society which undoubtedly makes teenage girls feel worried and distressed. As a feminine care market leader for 10 consecutive years, Kotex leads innovation in the industry and introduces various feminine care products to cater women's needs on different days. Moreover, Kotex is stepping up to remove girls' anxiety and fear from menstruation through providing sufficient female health education with promise of partnering with teenage girls along their girlhood. "Kotex supports girls throughout their girlhood journey, encouraging them to live every adventure even during their period." said Stella Chun, General Manager of Kimberly-Clark Hong Kong. "We believe that a girlhood should not be restricted by social expectations, girls are empowered to grow up with full possibilities rather than any fixed destination, in the spirit of Kotex "Period or Not, SHE CAN"."

Over the years, Kotex has been collaborating with schools in Hong Kong to promote menstrual health and hygiene education. The program, including professional advice by nurses, interactive videos as well as a care pack of products and educational leaflet, has reached out 550 schools in the city. Upcoming, Kotex will continue the school tour and has pledged to educate a total of 45,000 schoolgirls in new schoolyear.

Kotex invites King Maker IV contestants to share "Kotex Period or Not, SHE CAN" spirit with teenage girls

Kotex encourages girls to embrace the uniqueness of individuals. This year, Kotex kick off period education program along with the spirit of "Period or Not, SHE CAN" in Laichikok Catholic Primary School. Other than menstrual health education, Kotex has invited King Maker IV contestants, Yoyo, Alice and Sica, to share their journeys of pursuing dreams. The contestants further shared barriers they faced during King Maker IV contest and how did they overcome with the spirit of #SHECAN. At last, Kotex encouraged schoolgirls to picture their ideal life through drawing workshop, Yoyo, Alice and Sica also engaged with schoolgirls and inspired them with possibilities.

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About Kotex

Kotex brand aims to ensure a period never gets in the way of any woman's progress. Kimberly-Clark created the feminine care category with the launch of the Kotex brand 100 years ago, and today, its products are trusted by millions of women in more than 100 countries to provide outstanding protection and inspire confidence that period or not, she can.
* According to the Hong Kong Feminine Care Product Report by Nielsen from January 2010 to December 2019. Copyright © 2020 The Nielsen Company

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